The Hot Sauce Posse

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Alexis Mazurin Remembered

Alexis Mazurin was remembered this week in the Tyee. It's an online magazine about BC.

Alexis is a founding member of the Hot Sauce Posse. He died last year after suffering a massive heart attack. He is well missed and still loved.

The author is Wayde Compton. He's a poet, historian, and all-round good guy.

Check out:

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What's the big Idea?

Time to open source the Hot Sauce Posse or at least for folks to see us in action and possibly listen to us create sketches remotely. In may also become only an internal blog that is off the blogsphere charts.

It's pretty easy to be ignored online if you want to be.